
Channeling Your Channels


So - if the goal is flow, and flow is an alignment of archetype and identity that allows of the greatest flow directly from our unique source frequency - and the whole chakra system is a valid metaphorical interface with those energies. we must learn to exercise greater discernment over our energy levels.

From a Diabo-esque video game interface perspective, if we're at full health our mana will recharge slowly over time. The rate of recharge can be aligned for maximum flow by judicious use of it, like a muscle - and/or spells/further gamification of maximizing our ability to achieve flow.

Haha, this was supposed to be framed for the internet marketing and HOA crowd, and look where I took it. I feel a bit like Havoc from the X-men over here.

Point being - when we achieve flow, we have to learn where to channel our energies for maximum effectiveness - if we want to be one of those goal oriented people. I try and remember that maybe the blacksmith is cool with just being a blacksmith. Not everyone wants to be an adventurer, and there are infinite types of adventures to be had on this Ride.

For the intended crowd - this is about how managing our energy through various channels (blog, HOA, twitter feed, plus stream, plus notifications) is paramount in achieving what it is we're here to do. Theoretically, discernment over energy use is always beneficial, regardless of the framing.

What I've learned from that crowd is that the best bet is probably to capture it as raw video, and repurpose it through YouTube onto your blog. Even if you have to reshoot the concept to polish it up before you release it - you'll have video record of the good stuff - and so will the algorithms - and maybe the NSA.

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